(USA. Miami / PAN. Panama, Escape Artist Travel. 2005) : préparation (renseignements pratiques).

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  • 19 novembre 2009
    Bernard Delhomme

    Find out directly from someone who made the journey and knows how to prepare for it — in the summer of 2005, Cheri Powell and her husband walked the Camino de Santiago. This trip was several years in the planning, however they found that some of the information they had gathered was incorrect and other information that they could have used was nowhere to be found. The purpose of this eBook is to give some practical advice on the preparation for the trip based on observations made and experience gained, so that you can get the most out of the journey with the time and resources at your disposal.

  • 13 mai 2010
    Bernard Delhomme

    This first-hand guide includes information that is not covered in regular guidebooks. It thoroughly describes the essential preparation that will help you maximize the experience of walking the Camino de Santiago.

    Sections on history, packing, physical and mental preparation, tips, etiquette and health. Does not contain specific information on the route typically contained in other guidebooks.