Long term parking in St Jean Pied de Port

Igor R

Is there a possibility for long term parking St Jean Pied de Port ? I’m planning to drive on April 26th and return on May 24th. Greetings from Slovenia Igor

2 réponses disponibles

  • 7 mars

    Hello Igor from Slovenia !
    from page "practical information" on the site of the tourist Office of St Jean Pied de Port

    In free parking, you have two parking options :

    Chemin de la Nasse (C5 on the town map, download below)
    Parking des Fauvettes (D2 on the city map)
    These parking lots are free, but not monitored. However, and for greater security, it is possible to declare your vehicle to the St Jean Pied de Port gendarmerie , providing the following information : first and last name of the vehicle owner, a photocopy of the registration document, as well as the dates. parking.

    St Jean Pied de Port Gendarmerie :

    For paid parking , you have the Auto Donibane control : chemin de la Nasse, 200 m from the town center ; or
    The garage offers 2 security options : in the private outdoor parking lot for €2/day ; or in the establishment (closed and secure) at €5/day or €30/week (rates subject to reservation) ; ca-donibane@autosecurite.com ; www.autosecurite.com

    A plan of the city at the bottom of the page.
    Bon voyage

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