crossing the border - France/Spain


Dear All,
I`m planning to start the Camino in the begining of september. Due to the current situation does anybody know if there is any dificult to croos the border between France and Spain (from SJPP to Roncesvalles) ?

1 réponse disponible

  • 18 août 2020

    hello Margot,
    the current situation is changing every day.
    Look what the british government decided from one day to another : confine the people coming from France !
    The french government could do the same...confine foreigners or close the border ?!?!
    The Spanish government or the government of Navarre too !

    However, if you get to St JPP, there will be no policeman to stop you on the way to Roncevaux. The troubles would come later...

    You’d better ask the Spanish consulate of the country you will be travelling from.

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