Pilgrim’s credential

Airton Brisolla

Good morning. How are you ?
Could you tell me if there is an office for pilgrims or hostels for pilgrims in Arthez de Bearn or Navarrenx, where to get the pilgrim credential ?
Thank you.

3 réponses disponibles

  • 22 mars 2023
    Airton Brisolla

    Good morning. How are you ?
    Could you tell me if there is an office for pilgrims or hostels for pilgrims in Arthez de Bearn or Navarrenx, where to get the pilgrim credential ?
    Thank you.

  • 23 mars 2023

    In Navarrenx, you should try the church :

    Paroisse Saint François-Xavier - Navarrenx
    24 Pl. Darralde

  • 24 mars 2023

    Hello Airton

    Here are two links on which figures the possibilities of accommodation in Arthez and Navarrenx.

    A priori, something should suit you among the proposals.



    As for your credential, you have the solution to ask for it, through this forum, to the association which should be able to send it to you.

    Or if you prefer, ask the question, or to the people you will have on the phone by reserving your accommodation ...

    Right path ..


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