Pilgrim’s credential

Airton Brisolla

Good morning. How are you ?
Could you tell me if there is an office for pilgrims or hostels for pilgrims in Arthez de Bearn or Navarrenx, where to get the pilgrim credential ?
Thank you.

3 réponses disponibles

  • 22 mars 2023
    Airton Brisolla

    Good morning. How are you ?
    Could you tell me if there is an office for pilgrims or hostels for pilgrims in Arthez de Bearn or Navarrenx, where to get the pilgrim credential ?
    Thank you.

  • 23 mars 2023

    In Navarrenx, you should try the church :

    Paroisse Saint François-Xavier - Navarrenx
    24 Pl. Darralde

  • 24 mars 2023

    probably at the Tourist Office of Navarrenx.
    To make sure, you should ask by mail at the address recommanded by the city of Navarrenx for reservation
    (accueil@ville-navarrenx.fr) ou par téléphone au 0559661022.

    Read carefully : http://www.ville-navarrenx.fr/pelerinage-saint-jacques-de-compostelle

    If you miss the opening hours of the TO (from April to October) ,
    anyway, volunteers of the city welcome the pilgrims at a reception everyday at 6 p.m. during the same period.
    Have a good journey !

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