Which way to go to Roncesvalles


Hello, I plan to come out on 2/4/2023. from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Sanitiago. Is it currently possible to walk to Roncesvalles via Intzondorrek lepoa ?

1 réponse disponible

  • 1er avril 2023

    Probably not tomorrow. Wait until you are in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port where you get instructions at the pilgrim office.
    These depend on the weather forecast at the collado de Bentartea where it is currently snowing...(click on METEO left column of this page)

    • eventually on the government of Navarra who might keep the route to the collado de Lepoeder (altitude 1450m) closed, regarding accidents and rescues that occured over the past years in April on that spanish side of the mountain !

    Do not take a chance !
    The other route through Valcarlos will bring you safely to puerto d’Ibañeta (col de Roncevaux altitude 1050m).
    Bonne route !

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